Philippa Driest (1993) is an artist and initiator of KIOSK Rotterdam.
Her practices revolve around topics of maintenance, community and distribution. In her work she explores different sites of contamination and leakage through publishing and research installations.

She was part of the first year of WHW Akademija, Zagreb (2018-2019), recently finished her MA at the Dutch Art Institute (2021) and BAK Fellowship for situated practice (2021-2022).

KIOSK Rotterdam is a bookshop, (riso) print workshop, and a Leaky Press run by artist Philippa Driest. It started off with a personal selection and grew to a collection of titles informed by people who visited and shared their research. The selection hosts radical/critical theory, fiction, poetry and self-publishing practices.

KIOSK is open:

Thursday 13:00 - 17:00
Friday 14:00 - 20:00
Saturday 13:00 - 17:00

Pieter de raadtstraat 35a
3033 VC Rotterdam
Insta @flipdriest

Philippa Driest (1993) is an artist and initiator of KIOSK Rotterdam.
Her practices revolve around topics of maintenance, community and distribution. In her work she explores different sites of contamination and leakage through publishing and research installations.

A Spectacle of So Much Glory and So Much Shame, 2022
KIOSK Rotterdam 2018 - ongoing
The Windowshop, 2023
Heerbokelweg tapes, 2020 - 2023
Skrenuti Desno, Nakon Dvjesto Metara Skrenuti Lijevo, 2019
Residency 11:11, 2023
Springboard Art Fair, 2023

She was part of the first year of WHW Akademija, Zagreb (2018-2019), recently finished her MA at the Dutch Art Institute (2021) and BAK Fellowship for situated practice (2021-2022).

KIOSK Rotterdam is a bookshop, (riso) print workshop, and a Leaky Press run by artist Philippa Driest. It started off with a personal selection and grew to a collection of titles informed by people who visited and shared their research. The selection hosts radical/critical theory, fiction, poetry and self-publishing practices.

On Fridays, from 14.00-20.00, you can find her at KIOSK

Pieter de raadtstraat 35a
3033 VC Rotterdam


Heerbokelweg tapes

This is a collection of tapes I found in the house on Heerbokelweg, of which my neighbour Idris was moving out in 2020. He gave me the tapes in two boxes that stood next to a plant, a couch, and a bag full of sheeps wool. The collection consists of mixed tapes from radio recordings, prayer songs, tapes by Uzelli records, a Frankfurter shop turned record label, all of them producing a thousand of recordings for guest workers. Artists include Bülent Ersoy, Umit Besen, Ferdi Tayfur, Orhan Gencebay and many more.  In 2020 I hosted a weekly radio show at community radio Good Times Bad Times

Heerbokelwegtapes captures the soundtracks of the guest workers’ everyday life. For this collection of tapes I created several collages posters, zooming into the written notes and names revealing and a publication in which they are archived. For the installation I created a wooden box of 2 meters, where all cassetes are alined and numbered.

Vocabulary of Hospitality: Knock Knock
The presentation at Gemaal op Zuid dissects this complexity that is rendered visible in the urban space. Presentations by Belit Sağ, Merve Bedir, Philippa Driest, Suat ÖğüOgut focus on the term “guest worker.” The Lichtkrant is programmed with sentences/statements on hospitality by Dubravka Sekulić, Banu Cennetoğlu, Marina Otero and others. Vocabulary of Hospitality: Knock Knock is convened by Merve Bedir, and is a desigual to Vocabulary of Hospitality (2015) in Istanbul, which was an investigation into the spatial vocabulary of illegalized migration in Turkey.

...the foreigner is first of all foreign to the legal language in which the duty of hospitality is formulated. They have to ask for hospitality in a language which, by definition is not their own, the one imposed on them by the master of the house, the host, the king, the lord, the authorities, the nation, the State, the father, …This personage imposes on him translation into their own language, and that’s the first act of violence. - Jacques Derrida, on Hospitality